We take seriously the words found in Galatians 6:2—“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
We demonstrate our love for the Lord and our neighbors by our actions: prayer, visitation, phone calls, cards, notes, meals, transportation assistance and other needs that arise. We also offer a number of recovery programs and counseling opportunities for those seeking healing and freedom.
For more information about any of these opportunities or how you can get involved as part of our care or recovery teams, contact Pastor Rich Bennett, Pastor of Care & Fellowship (

Contact Name: Gloria Graffis
Contact Info:
Our purpose is to deliver care, concern and compassion through the simple act of providing a meal for our NOEFC families going through challenging times and times of transition such as a new baby, sickness, hospitalization or loss of a loved one. Volunteers are sent an email with the need and simple, helpful instructions. You then can choose to sign up for the date that best works for you. Check it out and when an email arrives, hope on the train. We need willing meal providers, as well as notification of NOEFC families in need.

Contact Name: Gloria Graffis
Contact Info:
We are a group of caring people who desire to extend God’s love to folks who are affected by an accident, serious illness, dementia or extended suffering. We make and distribute a variety of lovingly made “comfort” items. The Care Cabinet is located in the Atrium and is open Sundays to make these items available for YOU to share with those who are near and dear to your heart. Much of the “work” is done at home, but we gather monthly at the church to pray, share ideas and work on projects. New team members are always welcome.

Contact Name: Pastor Rich Bennett
Contact Info:
Grief to Joy extends an open hand to those moving through grief of any kind. There is deep healing power in a community that can grieve together and we encourage you to experience healing here. A new group forms once or twice per year, usually in the fall. For more information, contact Pastor Rich Bennett at

Pure Victory is a confidential support group for men who are seeking to find freedom from “everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” because we are called “to run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
It is based on a 12-step approach and a resource called Power to Choose by Mike O’Neil. The group leaders are Harry Deal and Jeff Roach, who have two decades of leading this experience. This group meets on Thursdays at 7 pm in Classroom 2.

In-Person Counseling Services
Contact Name: Julie Reed
Contact Info: 440.742.4425
Contact Info: 440.742.4425
Virtual Counseling Services
Mental health is vital in our walk with Christ. Please reach out if you’re needing a confidential, non-judgmental space to talk and seek help.
Contact Name: Nancy Virden
Contact Info:
Living Grace is a support group for those who have experienced depression or anxiety. Here you will find a safe space to talk, listen, or just experience fellowship. Living Grace is a 16-week format that combines biblical truths and science in a supportive setting. All are welcome.
Free E-Book
Nancy Virden has published a free e-book, How the Difference Maker Lifts You Above Depressive Thoughts. Click here to access a free digital copy; printed copies are available at the Welcome Center for $5 to cover printing costs.
The resources below are provided as a support to our congregation and members of the community; NOEFC has no direct affiliation with these organizations or agencies.
Mental Health CareLine
Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
All calls are confidential.