Hello! Welcome to the Congregational Meeting. Below you’ll find several tools to enable you to participate this evening.
VIEW or PRINT important documents like the agenda and financial report. Click on them to view.
WATCH the live stream of the meeting. If your live stream does not work try refreshing your page, using a different web browser, or calling the church for tech support.
ASK QUESTIONS* by selecting the green chat icon at the bottom right of the page. This opens a private chat monitored by ministry staff, who can share your questions in the live meeting. Please be patient as you wait for a reply as we may have several chats going at once.
VOTE on action items by selecting the appropriate buttons and then “submit” at the bottom of the page.
ACCESS “tech support” by calling the church office at 440.779.9484 from 6-6:45 pm if you’re having any problems
* Please note that there is a natural delay from real time to what you are seeing on the live stream. You may have to allow several minutes to see your question addressed in the meeting.